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Cultural Change Among the Jews of Early Modern Italy (Variorum Collected Studies)

by Robert Bonfil

Superoxide Ion Chemistry and Biological Implications

by Igor B. Afanas'ev

Groundwater Remediation, Volume VIII

by R.J Charbeneau

Conical Approach to Linear Programming

by P D'Alessandro

An Introduction to Quantum Fluids

by Phuong Mai Dinh Jesus Navarro Eric Suraud

An Introduction to Powder Metallurgy

by F. Thummler R. Oberacker

British Piracy in the Golden Age, Volume 4: History and Interpretation, 1660-1734

by Joel H Baer

Regularity Theory and Stochastic Flows for Parabolic ISPDES

by Franco Flandoli

Astronomy in the Service of Islam (Variorum Collected Studies)

by David A. King

Rhetoric and Philosophy from Greek into Syriac (Variorum Collected Studies)

by John W. Watt

Critical Realism for Health and Social Research

by May-Britt Solem Dag Jenssen

Magic: How to Perform Over 100 Amazing Effects, with 500 Full-Color How-to Photographs

by Joshua Jay

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