New Releases

Showing 14,326 through 14,350 of 14,380 results

Lippincott® Illustrated Reviews: Physiology

by Robin R. Preston Thad E. Wilson

Transcultural Concepts in Nursing Care

by Joyceen S. Boyle John W. Collins Margaret Andrews Patti Ludwig-Beymer

The Washington Manual of Transplant Nephrology

by Tarek Alhamad

ACSM's Clinical Exercise Physiology

by Walter R. Thompson Cemal Ozemek

BRS Neuroanatomy

by Douglas J. Gould

The COVID-19 Textbook: Science, Medicine and Public Health

by William A. Haseltine Roberto Patarca

Renal Pathophysiology: The Essentials

by Helmut Rennke Bradley M. Denker

Value-Based Health Care in Orthopaedics

by Eric C. Makhni Benedict U. Nwachukwu Kevin J. Bozic

Abrams' Clinical Drug Therapy: Rationales for Nursing Practice

by Geralyn Frandsen Sandra Pennington

Rosen's Diagnosis of Breast Pathology by Needle Core Biopsy

by Syed A. Hoda Raza S. Hoda Elaine W. Zhong

SOAP for Family Medicine

by Daniel Maldonado Cynthia Zuniga

Fire Behavior and Combustion Processes with Advantage Access

by Raymond Shackelford

Guidebook for Systems Applications in Astrobiology (Series in Astrobiology)

by Vera M. Kolb

HIV Essentials

by Paul E. Sax Melanie Berry

Managing Stress: Skills for Anxiety Reduction, Self-Care, and Personal Resiliency

by Brian Luke Seaward

Practical Applications in Sports Nutrition

by Heather Hedrick Fink Alan E. Mikesky

Negotiation: Creating Agreements in Business and Life

by Brad Winn Marc Sokol

Negotiation: Creating Agreements in Business and Life

by Brad Winn Marc Sokol

Transformative Moments in Qualitative Research: Method, Theory, and Reflection

by Anna CohenMiller

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