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How do I download and read Bookshare books in DAISY Audio or MP3 format?

First you will need to update your audio download preferences:

  1. Log in to your Bookshare account and select the My Account link. 
  2. Under My Summary, select the Edit Preferences link.
  3. Under the Download Preferences heading, select DAISY Audio or MP3 from the Audio Format drop-down box.
  4. Select the Save button on the bottom of the page to make your changes.

If you are a Sponsor downloading on behalf of a student, update your student’s download preferences through your Member Roster, then download the book to your computer.

  1. Search for a book using the search box, advanced search, or browse. 
  2. Select the title from the search results.
  3. Select Audio from the Download Format drop-down/combo box.
  4. Select the Download button. You will then be taken to your My History page.
  5. Your My History page shows the title, format, and status of books you’ve recently downloaded.
  6. Audiobooks take a bit longer to prepare to download, so if the status of the book indicates “In Progress” you may need to wait a few minutes to a few hours before you can save it to your computer.
  7. You’ll receive an email once the book is ready for downloading.
  8. When the book is ready to download, navigate to your My History page and select the Available link under the status of the book.

Unzip the book folder

  1. Locate the book you just downloaded. Books are saved to the Downloads folder by default.
  2. Right-click the folder (or press Shift plus F10), then select Extract All. This will open the “Extract Compressed (Zipped) Folders” dialog box.
  3. Select the Extract button. If you wish to save the folder in a different location, first press the Browse button and choose a new location.

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