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How do I subscribe to a Reading List?

Educators and Individual Members can Subscribe to Reading Lists curated by Bookshare. Educators can also subscribe to Reading Lists created by other Sponsors on their organizational account.

Subscribe to a Reading List


  1. Select the My Reading Lists link on your My Bookshare page
  2. Select the Subscribe button
  3. In the “Show” field you can select to see Public Lists curated by Bookshare, Reading Lists created by other Sponsors on your account, or both
  4. Check the box next to the list you want to subscribe to and select the Subscribe button
  5. The list will now appear on your My Reading Lists page
  6. Select the list, then select the Assigned Members link to add members
  7. Select the students to whom you want to assign this list, then select the Add Members button
  8. Those students will how have access to all books on the Reading List

Individual Members:

  1. Log into your account
  2. Select the My Reading Lists link
  3. Select the Subscribe button
  4. Select the list you wish to subscribe to
  5. This list will now appear on your “My Reading Lists” page

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