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Educators, get your students reading!

Educators and Students: Log in and get reading!  

Students, if you are part of a school or organization account, your teacher signed you up with a username and password. Go to and use the username and password given to you to log in. NOTE: Students can only read books assigned to them by their teacher on their school account.  

Educators, if your school already has a Bookshare account, you can be added as a sponsor. Contact your special education department or educational technology office. NOTE: Sponsors are able to download copyrighted books from Bookshare on behalf of their members. However, they cannot use the Bookshare Reader app for web or mobile devices when signed in as a sponsor.

How do I reset my password if I am a student? 

If you are a student who has a school or organizational account only, a sponsor or teacher must reset your password.

If you have an individual membership, go to the “Forgot Password” link. Bookshare will email you to reset your password.

Get started reading with the Bookshare Reader!  

Learn about the many ways to read Bookshare books through our AT Partners.

Parents and Families: Log into your child’s account and help them get reading!   

How do I help my child reset their Bookshare password?  

Families, if your student has an organization membership through their school, please contact your child’s teacher to reset their password.  If your child has an Individual membership, go to the “Forgot Password” link. Bookshare will email you to reset your child’s password.

Get started reading with the Bookshare Reader!  

Learn about the many ways to read Bookshare books through our AT Partners.

Adults: Log in and get reading! 

How do I reset my password?  

Go to the “Forgot Password” link. Bookshare will email you to reset your password.  

Get started reading with the Bookshare Reader!

Learn about the many ways to read Bookshare books through our AT Partners

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