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What books are available to me?

When you are logged into your account, searching and browsing for books only returns results for books available in your country. If you log out, searching and browsing will return results for all books in Bookshare. Publishers buy and sell distribution rights all the time and we must have agreements with each publisher to distribute their edition in the regions where they have rights.   

Freely available books

These books are not under copyright and any person with a Bookshare login (including sponsors) can read these books. A sampling of these books can be accessed through the following Reading Lists:

Search all freely available titles from Advanced Search Choose “Freely Available Books” from the list of which “Books to Search” 

Books by country 

To search the list of books available to a specific country select the Advanced Search link and choose the desired country from the Available In (Country) combo box.  

Note: You must be logged out of your account to access this field. Logged in members will only see books available in their country. 

Books that show as unavailable 

There are several reasons for a book to appear as unavailable to download.   

  • Are you logged in? 
    • You cannot access or download books without being logged in to your account. 
  • Is your Bookshare account currently active? 
    • Login to your account and review the content on your My Bookshare page to ensure you’relisted as active. 
  • Is the book not permitted under your account? 
    • NIMAC Repository books are only available to students with IEPs designated in their accounts. 
    • The book is not available in your region. 

Other eBook sources 

Find both free and paid options from Bookshare friends and partners. 

  • Publishers 
    • VitalSource – digital textbook access 
    • RedShelf – free, convenient access to online learning materials 
    • McGraw-Hill – free access and training for their online platforms 
    • Simon & Schuster – changes in online reading guidelines 
    • Scholastic – day-to-day projects to keep children reading, learning, and growing 
    • Taylor & Francis – free access to scholarly journals and content related to coronavirus 

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