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API V1.0 User History

Notice: The Bookshare API V1 will be sunset on June 30, 2024 and will no longer be available. Partners will need to migrate to API V2 to continue accessing the Bookshare collection after that date. Learn about API V2.

User History

URIDetailsResponse HistoryUser History List Response

Retrieve the list of books that a user has requested for download, over a period of time. Since certain types of books, such as those containing images, require additional time to prepare for a user, the history also includes a status for each request to indicate whether it is ready to be downloaded or is still in the process of being prepared.

User History

Response Details

User History List Response

Container: book/history


start-dateDateThe starting date of the history, default to one month previous1
end-dateDateThe ending date of the history, default to today1

Container: book/history/list/result

idNumberId that can be used in download request1
titleTextThe title of the book1
authorTextThe, or one of the, author(s) of the book1/N
brief-synopsisTextBrief synopsis about this book0/1
isbn-13NumberThe 13-digit ISBN, if known0/1
publisherTextThe publisher of the book, if known0/1
download-formatTextThe format in which the book was requested.  One of the following:BRFDAISYDAISY_SEGMENTED: DAISY with multiple DTBooksDAISY_WITH_IMAGES *EPUB 3 *PDF *+Notes:* Format that requires asynchronous packaging need to check packaging status before downloading+ Format that is being used for some titiles in RNIB’s private library 1
download-dateDateThe date that the download was performed1
packaging-statusTextThe current status of the download. One of the following:SCHEDULED_FOR_PACKAGING: It is in the process of being prepared for downloadREADY_FOR_DOWNLOAD: It is packaged for this user, but has not been downloaded yet.DOWNLOADED: It has been packaged and downloaded already.PACKAGING_FAILED: There was an error during the packaging and is not currently available.1

XML Example

<string>Results 1-2 of 2</string>
<title>The Art of Fiction: Notes on Craft for Young Writers</title>
<author>John Gardner</author>
<brief-synopsis>The Art of Fiction will fascinate anyone interested in how fiction gets put together.</brief-synopsis>
<publisher>Seven Stories Press</publisher>
<title>Little Women</title>
<author>Louisa May Alcott</author>
<brief-synopsis>Little Women is one of the best loved books of all time.</brief-synopsis>
<publisher>Ten Speed Press</publisher>