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API V1.0 User Preferences

Notice: The Bookshare API V1 will be sunset on June 30, 2024 and will no longer be available. Partners will need to migrate to API V2 to continue accessing the Bookshare collection after that date. Learn about API V2.

URIDetailsResponse Preference ListUser Preference List Response Preference ModificationUser Preference List Response

User Preference List

  • Description: Get the User Preference Fields that are alterable for the given user.
  • Format:, where the for parameter specifies the email address/username of the end user for whom the download is being requested for.  In addition the MD5 hash of the end user password must be passed in the request via a “X-password” HTTP header.
  • Authentication: User Authenticated
  • Response: User Preference List Response
  • Examples:

User Preference Fields

IdField DescriptionOccurrenceEditableAdditional Notes
01Adult Content Filtering1YesAlways available in the results
02User Type1No1=IM; 2=OM

User Preference Modification

  • Description: Change the value of one of the user’s preferences.  It returns the user’s updated preferences being listed so that you can redisplay in your UI.
  • Format:, where the for parameter specifies the email address/username of the end user for whom the download is being requested for.  In addition the MD5 hash of the end user password must be passed in the request via a “X-password” HTTP header.
  • Authentication: User Authenticated
  • Response: User Preference List Response
  • Examples:
  • Errors:
    • Error 75 – The Preference Value being set for (aaa) is read-only. aaa will be replaced by the name of the read only preference. Occurs when a user attempts to set a value for a read-only preference.

User Preference List Response

Container: user


downloads-remainingNumberIndicates the number of downloads remaining for this User1

Container: user/list/result

Additional Fields

idNumberPreference id, to be used in User Preference Modification1
nameTextUser preference text to be displayed to the user1
valueTextCurrent text of the preference1
editableTextField editable or not1

XML Example:

    <string>User account information for</string>
        <name>Adult Content filtering</name>
        <name>User Type</name>

JSON Example:

{"bookshare": {
"version": "3.5.1",
"messages": [
"User account information for"
"user": {
"result": [
"id": "01",
"name": "Adult Content filtering",
"value": "FALSE",
"editable": 1
"id": "02",
"name": "User Type",
"value": "1",
"editable": 0
"downloadsRemaining": 100