Listen to human-narrated audiobooks on the NLS Player

Listen with DAISY Audio

  1. Set your download preferences on your Bookshare account to DAISY audio.
  2. Download your desired book in “audio” format.
  3. Locate the book you have downloaded in your “downloads” folder on your computer.
  4. Right click on the folder (or press Shift plus F10), then select “extract all.” This will open the “extract compressed folders” dialogue box where you can unzip the file by clicking the “extract” button and choose where on the computer to save the unzipped folder.
  5. Connect a USB thumb drive to your computer and then select the unzipped folder for your book and press Ctrl + C to copy the entire folder. Then you can open the thumb drive on your desktop and press Ctrl + V to paste the book into the drive.
  6. You can now eject the thumb drive and insert it into the USB port located on the right side of your NLS player.