Ebook Library for Readers with a Learning, Visual, or Physical Disability

young adult reading outside on a tablet

Do you have a learning, visual, or physical disability that prevents you from reading printed text?

Do you need accessible ebooks for school, career, or leisure reading?

Bookshare can help.

Bookshare is an ebook library with over 1,000,000 titles for readers with a learning, visual, or physical disability.

With a Bookshare membership you can:

  • Customize your reading experience with ebooks in audio, audio + highlighted text, braille, large font, and other formats.
  • Access the largest library of over 1,000,000 textbooks, bestsellers, children's books, career resources, and more for people with reading barriers.
  • Read on almost any device, including smartphones, tablets, Chromebooks, computers, and assistive technology devices.
  • Get unlimited access to Bookshare's ebook library.

Bookshare is free for U.S. students with a qualifying disability.

sign up today

Our Mission

We believe that access to information is a universal human right. Yet more than ninety percent of books and published materials cannot be read by people with disabilities. Our work is focused on making reading accessible to everyone around the world.

Bookshare is an initiative of Benetech, a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit, nonpartisan organization.